Transfer of Level
1. Transfer of level within a course may be possible depending on the regulations of the respective course of study but you shall be solely responsible for future outcomes resulting from the transfer should it be approved.
2. If you wish to have a transfer of level of study, you should adhere to the following procedures:
a) You must complete the Request for Transfer of Course/Level Form and submit it to our Student Services Office at least 14 working days prior to the commencement date of the level.
b) Parent’s formal letter of consent to the transfer and to absolve MAGES Institute of Excellence’s responsibilities for any disruption to your study in Singapore is required if you are below the age of 18.
c) An appointment will be arranged for you to meet with the respective staff in-charge for assessment session. With advice from our staff, you will decide on whether to continue with your current level or proceed with the transfer request, subject to your satisfying the pre-requisites of the intended level.
d) Assessment of your request will be based on your current academic performance, level of understanding (language proficiency), lecturer’s recommendation and most importantly your satisfying the pre-requisites of the requested level.
e) Decision of the School pertaining to the request is final. MAGES Institute of Excellence shall put it in writing to inform you on the outcome of the request.
f) If the request is approved: you must approach our Student Services Office as soon as possible to complete formalities with MAGES Institute of Excellence for the transfer of level.
Transfer of Study Mode
1. Transfer of study mode refers to a change from full-time study to part-time study or vice versa for the same course. This may be possible depending on the regulations of the respective course of study but you shall be solely responsible for future outcomes resulting from the transfer should it be approved. Student’s Pass holders are not eligible for such transfer.
2. If you wish to have a transfer of study mode for study, you should adhere to the following procedures:
a) You must complete the Request for Transfer of Course/Level Form and submit it to our Student Services Office at least 14 working days prior to the commencement date of the module/level.
b) Parent’s formal letter of consent to the transfer and to absolve MAGES Institute of Excellence’s responsibilities for any disruption to your study in Singapore is required if you are below the age of 18.
c) An appointment will be arranged for you to meet with the respective staff in-charge for assessment session. With advice from our staff, you will decide on whether to continue with your current study mode or proceed with the transfer request.
d) MAGES Institute of Excellence shall put it in writing to inform you on the outcome of the request.
e) If the request is approved: you must approach our Student Services Office as soon as possible to complete formalities with MAGES Institute of Excellence for the transfer of study mode.
Transfer of Course
1. For transfer of course, your current Student’s Pass must be cancelled in order for a new Student’s Pass application to be made to the ICA. All Student’s Pass applications are subject to approval by the ICA.
2. If you wish to have a transfer of course, you should adhere to the following procedures:
a) You must satisfy the pre-requisites of the requested course and have a good class attendance record before such request can be considered.
b) You must complete the Request for Transfer of Course/Level Form and submit it to our Student Services Office at least one (1) month prior to the commencement date of the course.
c) Parent’s formal letter of consent to the transfer and to absolve MAGES Institute of Excellence responsibilities for any disruption to your study in Singapore is required if you are below the age of 18.
d) An appointment will be arranged for you to meet with the respective staff in-charge for assessment session. With advice from our staff, you will decide on whether to continue with your course of study or proceed with the transfer, subject to your satisfying the pre-requisites of the intended programme.
e) MAGES Institute of Excellence shall put it in writing to inform you on the outcome of the request.
f) If the request is approved: you must approach our Student Services Office as soon as possible to complete formalities with MAGES Institute of Excellence and the Student’s Pass application (Student’s Pass holder only) processes for the transfer of course. Your Student’s Pass and highest education qualification certificates / academic transcripts are required for the application.
g) As a policy, internal transferring from one course/programme to another is “Deemed Withdrawal” in the Student Contract.
Transfer to Another School – Deemed Withdrawal
1. For Student’s Pass holder, your Student’s Pass with MAGES Institute of Excellence must be cancelled in order for a new Student’s Pass application to be made to the ICA by the new School.
2. If you wish to transfer to another School, you should adhere to the following procedures:
a) You must complete the Request for Post-Enrolment Withdrawal Form and submit it along with your Student’s Pass to our Student Services Office.
b) Parent’s formal letter of consent to the transfer of School and withdrawal from MAGES Institute of Excellence, and to absolve MAGES Institute of Excellence’s responsibilities for any disruption to your study in Singapore is required if you are below the age of 18.
c) An appointment will be arranged for you to meet with the respective staff in-charge for counselling session. With advice from our staff, you will decide on whether to continue with your current study or proceed with the withdrawal/transfer.
d) Should you decide to continue with the transfer, you must first confirm your enrolment with the school of your choice. You (Student’s Pass holder) are required to submit to our Student Services Office Form V36A of ICA where Section A has been fully completed by the school that you intend to transfer to.
e) Our Student Services Office will notify you to collect the Form V36A once it is completed by MAGES Institute of Excellence.
f) Your (Student’s Pass holder) attendance record and progress report (if any) for the processing of this transfer will only be released if you do not have any outstanding financial obligation to MAGES Institute of Excellence.
g) MAGES Institute of Excellence reserves the right to reject a request for transfer if the student has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of their enrolment at MAGES Institute of Excellence or ICA. 